Senator Syverson supports temporary suspension of accepting Syrian refugees

SPRINGFIELD – Governor Bruce Rauner joined a number of US Governors in temporarily suspending the process of accepting Syrian refugees into Illinois on November 16th, pending an administration review of the federal acceptance process used by the Department of Homeland Security.

Senator Dave Syverson (R-Rockford) thanked the Governor for his swift action after recent reports indicate that at least one of the Paris attackers entered France as a refugee.

“It is a noble cause to assist those who are fleeing oppressive and violent regimes such as ISIS,” said Senator Syverson. “But in light of the attacks in Paris, we need to make sure that our own citizens are protected first.”

Senator Syverson is also urging President Obama and Congress to halt the process of accepting Syrian refugees until a credible background process can be put into place.

“This is simple, we have to make sure we aren’t opening the doors to terrorists,” said Senator Syverson. “We have a duty to make sure we are doing everything in our power to protect our citizens.”

Dave Syverson