SPRINGFIELD – As Illinoisans prepare to ring in the New Year, 293 new laws are set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
These laws include changes to workplace protections, insurance protection expansions, public safety measures, environmental initiatives, and issues impacting schools and students. Additionally, the final phase of Illinois’ minimum wage increase will bring wages up to $15 per hour for workers aged 18 and older.
Final Step for Minimum Wage Increase
Starting Jan. 1, the final step in the phased-in minimum wage increase that began in 2019 under Senate Bill 1 (P.A. 101-0001) will take effect. The new $15 per hour rate applies to workers aged 18 and older, ensuring higher wages for many Illinois residents.
Expanded Consumer Protections
Consumers will benefit from new laws aimed at improving transparency and safety. Senate Bill 2764 (P.A. 103-0919) requires businesses offering products or services with a gift or trial periods longer than 15 days to notify customers 3 days before automatic renewals occur.
Additionally, Senate Bill 3342 (P.A. 103-0976) mandates that state and local governments provide public notice at least 24 hours before applying pesticides in public rights-of-way located in municipalities, helping protect residents from unexpected chemical exposure.
Senate Bill 2933 (PA 103-0648) prohibits a consumer reporting agency to make, create, or furnish any consumer report or credit reporting containing information that the consumer reporting agency knows or should know relates to medical debt incurred by the consumer.
Updates for Drivers and Motorists
Several new laws will make significant changes for Illinois drivers.
Under House Bill 277 (P.A. 103-0789), automatic driver’s license suspensions for failing to appear in court for petty offenses will be eliminated, with additional court date notifications provided instead.
House Bill 4592 (P.A. 103-0824) allows Illinois residents to obtain mobile identification cards and driver’s licenses through the Secretary of State.
Under House Bill 5408 (P.A. 103-0861) the Illinois Tollway is required to install camera systems along designated traffic routes near O’Hare Airport to record images and ticket motorist who illegally park on the shoulder.
For disabled individuals, Senate Bill 2740 (P.A. 103-0916) ensures condominium associations must make reasonable accommodations for accessible parking spaces. The board of managers must make reasonable efforts to facilitate a resolution between unit owners to provide for accessible parking when the association does not own or otherwise control parking.
Education and School Safety
House Bill 5394 (P.A. 103-0608) requires school personnel to receive cardiac emergency response training to better prepare for medical emergencies. Additionally, school districts and private schools must establish a cardiac emergency response plan in accordance with the American Heart Association, or other nationally recognized evidence-based guidelines.
Senate Bill 2872 (P.A. 103-0764) is a controversial proposal that allows schools to offer relaxation activities to students, enhancing mental and physical well-being.
Senate Bill 2824 (P.A. 103-0629) closes the loophole and ensures that all children who have been removed from their homes by DCFS are able to attend their original school district, if determined by DCFS to be in the best interest of the child. This includes situations where a student is moving from elementary to middle school, or from middle school to high school.
Senate Bill 3571 (P.A. 103-1019) ensures all Illinois schools have automated external defibrillators available during the school day and extracurricular activities.
Senate Bill 3592 (P.A. 103-1021) requires a local news organization shall not be sold to a company without giving written notice 120 days before the sales occurs to the employees and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. It also establishes scholarships for students pursuing journalism careers and introduces new protections for local media organizations.
Insurance Regulation Updates
Illinois residents will see significant updates to insurance regulations in 2025. House Bill 5559 (P.A. 103-0615) requires insurance companies to provide detailed explanations of how total loss determinations are made in vehicle claims, offering transparency to policyholders.
Senate Bill 2697 (P.A. 103-0914) mandates coverage for clinical genetic testing and evidence-based cancer imaging under group health insurance plans, capping cost-sharing at a maximum of $50 for related services when cost-sharing isn’t already prohibited under federal law.
For dental care, House Bill 4789 (P.A. 103-0832) updates provisions for dental provider network assignments and clarifies prior authorization procedures to reduce claim denials.
Senate Bill 3130 (P.A. 103-0777) modernizes Illinois’ State-Based Marketplace to align with federal requirements, adding features such as prescription drug copay caps and improved network adequacy for behavioral health and dental providers.
Enhanced Justice and Public Safety
Several new laws aim to improve public safety. House Bill 4589 (P.A. 103-0677) targets catalytic converter theft by enhancing penalties and increasing accountability for metal recyclers who buy and sell catalytic converters. Permanently extends the Vehicle Hijacking and Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Act, which was set to expire on January 1, 2025.
Senate Bill 3201 (P.A. 103-0949) requires police officers to receive training on autism awareness to improve interactions with individuals on the spectrum.
House Bill 4350 (P.A. 103-0813), the Child Abuse Notice Act, mandates hotels, motels, tattoo and body piercing establishments, bus stations, and general acute care hospital emergency rooms display information on how children can report physical and sexual abuse.
Additionally, House Bill 4255 (P.A. 103-0667) allows tow trucks and other emergency vehicles to use green lights for better visibility at emergency scenes.
This is just the first installment of laws taking effect in 2025. Stay tuned for Part 2, which will cover new measures supporting veterans, environmental updates, and workplace changes.
Click https://senatordavesyverson.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/New-Laws-Taking-Effect-January-1_2025.pdf for a full list of new laws taking effect January 1.