SPRINGFIELD– Senator Dave Syverson (R-Rockford) criticized Governor Pat Quinn Tuesday for what he calls “harmful changes” in his amendatory veto of House Bill 183, bringing right to carry to Illinois.
The legislation passed the General Assembly with overwhelming majorities on May 31, after months of negotiation and a federal court requirement to bring Illinois in line with all 49 other states to allow law abiding, trained gun owners the right to carry a concealed weapon.
“Governor Quinn did not participate in the negotiations on this bill,” said Senator Syverson. “Instead, he’s decided to play politics and disrespect the rights of law abiding gun owners.”
Governor Quinn issued the amendatory veto Tuesday, drastically limiting the rights of gun owners and making the legislation far more restrictive on law abiding citizens. The legislation would limit a person to carry a ten round magazine, even though many handguns hold 15 rounds.
Syverson says two of the most frustrating changes proposed by the Governor are allowing a patchwork of gun laws in communities throughout the state and requiring businesses to opt-in to allowing concealed weapons on the premises.
“There are nearly 137,000 retail businesses in Illinois, and thousands more,” Syverson says. “Asking business owners to post a sign allowing a weapon is backward and burdensome.”
The bill passed by the legislature allows businesses who wish to can “opt out” of right to carry on their premises.
Syverson says the original bill is not a perfect solution, but says the bill takes significant steps in protecting the constitutional rights of gun owners. He says the Governor’s action makes the bill worse and should be overridden.
“In the end, the Governor’s proposed action would only make it more difficult for individuals to protect themselves and their families and would do nothing to make our communities safer or to take guns out of the hands of criminals,” said Syverson. “We have a strong, bi-partisan, veto-proof majority for this bill, and I am confident we will override the Governor’s veto very soon.”