SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Syverson (R-Cherry Valley) has been named the Champion of Small and Mid-Size Manufacturing by the Technology and Manufacturing Association (TMA) of Illinois.
The award recognizes the Senator’s legislative record on public-policy issues that affect manufacturing companies and their employees, and his ongoing support of improving the economic climate in Illinois.
“Illinois has had a strong foundation in manufacturing and technology for the last 100 years. If our state wants a healthy economy, protecting and improving manufacturing companies – and the jobs they have provided – must be front and center,” Syverson said. “It is an honor to have my efforts on behalf of manufacturing noted by the TMA, which has been advocating for small to mid-size manufacturers in Illinois since 1925.”
Senator Syverson has also been recognized for his legislative support of improving Illinois’ job climate by the Illinois Manufacturing Association, the Illinois State Chamber, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Illinois Farm Bureau.