Category: News


Syverson issues statement on partisan legislative map

State Senator Dave Syverson (R-Rockford) released the following statement after Democrat lawmakers passed their partisan legislative maps along party-lines: “The recently passed map demonstrates that

Covid 19

One step closer to normalcy

Following the CDC’s latest guidance, the State of Illinois has updated its Executive Orders and repealed emergency orders regarding face coverings. Thanks to these changes,


Budget talks start to heat up

As the spring legislative session approaches its end, budget talks have begun to pick up steam at the Capitol. While negotiations are ongoing, Senator Syverson


$250 Million in new Capital Funding Announced

Another round of road construction projects are about to get started across the state. This week, Illinois Department of Transportation officials announced $250 million in


Preposterous Proposals at the Capitol

Thousands of new bills are filed every year by lawmakers in Springfield. Some of them feature popular, widely-accepted ideas to make the state better, while


Political insiders over Illinois families

State Sen. Syverson joins hisSenate Republican colleagues in renewing their calls for Gov. Pritzker to make good on his campaign promise to support an independent

Dave Syverson

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